100 Ways To Be a Minimalist (Without Even Trying!)
I know that just the thought of minimalism can be daunting. But, once you get into a routine of editing your space and your personal items it becomes like second nature. Don’t let those stark spaces frequently associated with minimalism deter you. Minimalist spaces can be cozy, welcoming and easily created without much effort! It’s also important to remember minimalism isn’t about restricting yourself things, it’s about being intentional. Do the items you have bring you comfort or happiness? Or are they cluttered and stressing you out? Here are 100 ways to be a minimalist without even trying.

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WAYS TO BE A MINIMALIST TO Office or Workspace
The key to having a minimalist office is have a way to deal with books, papers and supplies! Decluttering is key, here are some ways to declutter your office!
1. Go through old mail. Toss or recycle but make sure to shred items with sensitive info.
2. Have a collection of business cards? Scan or take a photo and then recycle!
3. Do you have unused washi tape or crafting supplies? Sell online on mercari or bay.
4. Do you have old manuals for items that you don’t even have? Recycle them!
5. Old boxes from computers or devices can be recycled or cut them up for art materials for your children!
6. Clean out that junk drawer.
7. Don’t buy stuff to store your stuff.
8. Use a computer or tablet for note taking instead of a pen and paper.
9. Scan or photograph articles out of magazines and donate the rest to your local library.
10. Cancel subscriptions for magazines you don’t have time to read.
11. Donate extra wrapping paper to non profits who gift presents to children.
12. Unsubscribe from endless store promotional emails.
13. Unfriend people that you never talk to on Facebook or better yet delete Facebook altogether especially if you find yourself trying to keep up with the Joneses.
14. Pay bills online. Discontinue getting bills in the mail.
15. Focus on keeping your desk clean. If it’s where you do your work, then a clean space may spark creativity or productivity.
16. Declutter your computer’s desktop. Files will be much easier to find with an organized system on your desktop.
17. Consolidate your computer bookmarks.
There are many ways to be a minimalist but to me, tackling the kitchen kitchen is pretty easy!
18. Donate old pots and pans that you no longer use.
19. Go through your mugs and glasses. Cracked mugs can be recycled, and mugs you never use can be donated!
20. Edit those unused kitchen gadgets. We use our instant pot so much, I was able to get rid of our huge stock pot and crock pot. The instant pot takes care of all those meals!
21. Don’t overstock food that won’t get eaten.
22. Keep only one set of dishes. We use this white set!
23. Hide kitchen appliances or gadgets. It helps to keep the countertop clear!
24. Get clean sleek lighting or make sure you open the window coverings often to help with a bright look.
25. Meal plan. A list of meals and their corresponding ingredients will help keep you on track!
26. Get into the habit of washing or loading the dishwasher after using an item.
27. Sort through mail as soon as you get it! Most of my stuff goes in the recycling bin.
28. Get on do not send or call lists for all those extra calls and shopping flyers.
29. Clean off the outside of your fridge. Keep special photos but toss old coupons or artwork.
30. Toss or compost expired food!
31. Do you have large items from Costco that you know you won’t use before they expire? Donate to a nonprofit organization!
32. Learn how to make one-pot meals so you don’t need a ton of pots cluttering your kitchen.
33. Empty the cabinet underneath your sink. Get rid of toxic cleaners.
34. Put things away as soon as you are done using them.
35. Consider setting up a capsule wardrobe for your children. Our summer wardrobe consisted of dresses, jean shorts and cotton tanks that the kids cycled through each week!
36. Tackle their play space. Broken or unused toys can be trashed or recycled, seasonal decor items can be donated. Make sure that every single item has a home. This doesn’t mean run out any buy more containers or storage bins. Just make sure you have a space for all of the items that your children truly enjoy and play with.
37. Scan or photograph all of their artwork. Keep the special pieces and recycle the rest! Here is the scanner I use!
38. Limit screen time. Those commercials are designed to make your kids wants toys they will play with once and then never touch again!
39. Focus on experiences with kids, rather than buying them stuff.
40. Purchase 2-3 good quality winter items like coats or hats and donate the rest.
41. Donate old books to your local free little library.
42. Keep a bag or box in their closet so if you come across a item that’s too small you have a place to put it. Once the bag is filled donate to a local family shelter!
43. Choose toys that don’t take up a ton of space.
44. Edit stuffed animals and dolls, these types of items can accumulate quickly.
45. Take the kids to the library so they can get used to borrowing items rather than buying them.
Other Living Spaces (Bedrooms and bathrooms)
46. Start slowly, don’t jump into organizing and decluttering because you might lose steam quickly. Pick one area to concentrate on so you don’t get overwhelmed.
47. Take a look at your closet. Can you edit your shoes? Are you holding on to accessories you never wear?
48. Toss expired cosmetics and the ones that you don’t ever use.
49. Go through your collection of vitamins and supplements. Can you edit anything that you stopped taking?
50. Work on keeping your countertops clear. Take note of the storage you have. Is it working for you? Are the drawers organized, are towels folded and stacked for easy accessibility?
51. Accessorize with one or two pieces of art or plants maximum.
52. Choose a muted color for the bathroom. Make it a peaceful mess free spot!
53. Do you have an extra container from previous decluttering? Put bobby pins and hair ties all in that one container so they aren’t everywhere.
54. Follow a cleaning routine so you can keep your space neat and tidy.
55. If you have a hobby, consolidate it into special or meaningful pieces.
56. Donate all formal occasion items like bridesmaid and prom dresses.
57. Donate or recycle anything that has bad connotations. You will feel much better about your space.
58. To make a big impact quickly, remove anything large that you no longer use. For example, I had an extra nightstand and stool that I always intended to redo and never got around to. I sold both on let for cheap and I don’t miss them at all!
59. Get rid of old cans of spray paint and paint cans. If you can use the contents, use them ASAP but if not contact a local recycler. Every city should have a paint drop-off location.
60. Label drawers and cabinets so you know where everything goes.
61. Invest in a peg board to hang up items like tools or bicycles.
62. Clean out your car! Remove receipts extra lip balm and sunglasses.
63. Vacuum car rugs, get rid of any crumbs and loose items.
64. Take out anything that’s not a necessity in your glove box. Keep your car manual, insurance, and registration- all other items should go.
65. Get rid of extra exercise equipment that you don’t use.
66. Get rid of one thing a day. If your garage is overwhelming start small.
67. Plan a no-buy week or month. If this seems daunting then try to go one day without purchasing anything. It’s harder than it sounds but with practice, you can train yourself to not purchase needed items!
68. Create a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a limited set of clothes that you wear on a regular basis. It usually consists of staple items like a pair of good jeans or black slacks. A capsule wardrobe can also include accessories, shoes, coats- anything that you can mix and match together.
69. Shop with a list! It’s harder to purchase items that you don’t need when you have a list to follow.
70. Use things entirely before purchasing more.
71. Ask yourself if you really need or love the item before purchasing
72. Say no more often. If you feeling stressed or like you don’t have time to relax, say no and make time for yourself.
73. Exercise more. No one ever regretted a good workout. Make the time to move even if it’s for 15 minutes.
74. Get things done the first time in the morning. Minimalists start their days off right with a morning routine which helps simplify their life.
75. Clean out your backpack and purse on a regular basis. There is less stress when you have your keys, wallet, and phone in one place.
76. Start a journal to practice mindfulness.
77. Reduce screen time.
78. Get your financial life in order.
79. Start a side hustle to get out of debt. I sell on POSHMARK! Use the code TIFFY0380 to get $10 off your first purchase!
80. Don’t accrue more debt.
81. Spend time off of social media.
82. Eat clean. Fresh produce has way less waste than processed foods.
83. Be grateful for the things that you do own.
84. Drink water every single day. Use a reusable bottle like a hydro flask for less waste.
85. Practice meditation.
86. Get more sleep.
87. Ask for experiences instead of items you people like to purchase you gifts.
88. Donate received gifts, especially if you know you won’t use them.
89. Don’t multi-task. It often causes stress, do one thing at a time.
90. Read more books but try a online service or audible if you don’t have the space.
91. Use a calendar to keep yourself on track and on time to events.
92. Avoid critical thoughts about yourself.
93. Take time to create a work free space in your home.
94. Don’t get into other people’s business. Seriously. Don’t do it.
95. Try not to procrastinate.
96. Enjoy the small pleasures in life. A pretty sunset, a walk along the beach, things like this add so much to your attitude.
97. Practice being thankful and grateful to care for your mental health.
98. Tell someone you love them.
99. Accept help when you need it.
100. Avoid wasting time.