A Cedar Cottage by Backyard Discovery

It’s always been a goal for us to create a yard where our daughter could grow fruit, play, and entertain friends in.  We started with a patch of grass and now we have this wonderful enclosed space that we are slowly but surely fixing up.  Recently I posted about pavers being installed and now we had a flat foundation for a Cedar Cottage by Backyard Discovery.

cedar cottage by backyard discovery
One of our goals was to put a Cedar Cottage Playhouse by Backyard Discovery out in the yard ever since I saw one in a yard at a house that we had visited while we were house shopping.  We debated building one ourselves using some internet instructions. But my lovely friends let me know that Costco had a cute cottage in stock and we ran over to check it out.

We ended driving to a few different Costco stores to find one a cedar playhouse and while we had a goal of setting it up before our daughter’s actual birthday.  Thankfully my dad and grandfather stepped in to put it together and we just made our deadline.  My Dad’s review of this particular cottage is that if you take your time it’s fairly easy to put together.  I’d say it took them almost three afternoons to put together which was roughly 12 hours and that it was easier with two people doing the work.  There are a ton of pieces and hardware, however, the instructions are pretty clear.

cedar cottage
cedar cottage backyard discovery
This playhouse is so cute! It has a working doorbell, a sink and stovetop and a cordless toy phone. The front window flower boxes have drip holes so that you can actually plant real flowers in them. I’m working on a few things to customize the house for her such as curtains and flowers for the windows.  We also plan to paint the house with exterior paint in hopes that it lasts us a few years. Overall, we are so pleased with the quality of the Cedar Cottage playhouse!


Two years later this house is holding up fabulously!  Each winter we cover it and in the summer a quick wash down takes out all the cobwebs and dirt.  One of the shutters split but it was an easy fix with wood glue.  We are still very pleased with this purchase!

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  1. May I ask how much you paid for it new? I just bought one that was used, but in great condition for $50 and I’m curious to know how good of a deal I got. Having a hard time finding the original value of it, as it has been discontinued.
    Thanks so much.

    1. I think $199 if I remember correctly. Thanks for stopping by!

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